Unplanned Foolery

So I'm guessing you all saw the April fools video by now, and if you did you'll know it was pretty unplanned. When I said on stream before recording it that I didn't have anything planned for an April fools video I wasn't lying. Sometimes these things just don't come together.

It's difficult to juggle all these things when making videos and trying to put out consistent content specifically for this reason. There are times when you have to make a decision about what to focus on and sometimes if you just don't have any ideas for something you simply can't do it. By the time I did get an idea (which is what I ended up going with to a much smaller degree) I was already in a busy period of doing other things, and the April fools video fell by the wayside.

But then the crazy live stream happened on the 31st and I felt guilty that I hadn't managed to get anything put together for the following day, so despite my tiredness and desire to just call it a night I stayed up a bit later than usual to get the video done. It wasn't much in the end but it has been surprisingly successful, with seemingly many people getting appropriately fooled (even those who weren't fooled by anything else). It's probably the best April fools video I've done when it comes to actually fooling people, rather than just being something a bit quirky. And again, these are the sort of things that can happen sometimes when creating content. The desire to get something done takes over everything else, and videos you don't spend much time on become more successful than you imagined (looking at you random-second-channel-clip-that-now-has-over-1-million-views).

There isn't really an overarching point to this month's Patreon/YouTube post. I guess I just wanted to give some insight into my process regarding the creation of that video, and how things work behind the scenes with what I do. Some videos are made weeks in advance, and others mere hours. This kind of situation is actually not an uncommon occurrence, even though I'm now more organised with my video schedule. A certain level of flexibility (and sheer desire) is required sometimes.

Thanks again for all the support!


Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to patreon.com/broughy1322, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.


A Cause For Concern?


Well That Was Quick…