Gfred is a point to point race with checkpoints scattered all around the map, and became much bigger than I ever imagined. Initially made as a random experiment, it evolved to contain so many different facets over the years. Its challenge, randomness and variety is still entertaining to this day.
What Is Gfred?
A one-off video as part of the GTA Discussion series talking about the origins of Gfred and what on earth is it. It still gives a good background on the race and explains the name!
Gfred Racing
Apart from a those held on special occasions, most Gfred races can be found in either of the below playlists. Coverage started on my second channel before moving to my main.
Gfred Survival
In a new take on the classic format from 2021, this series showcased attempts to simply complete the course while being pursued by kamikaze planes. Usually with a special guest!
Gfred Transform
With 30 players in transform races becoming possible, 2023 brought us Gfreds where cars would change throughout the race, with random checkpoints coming in 2025!
Gfred Scramble
2024 saw the introduction of Gfred Scramble, where the classic checkpoints in Gfred races would be scrambled up each time. This results in every race being completely unique!
Gfreds By Year
There have been around 300 Gfreds across both my main and second channels, alongside those in different series. The easiest way to catch up is to watch them in these year-specific playlists as they bring together all races, even those contained within videos that fall outside of the dedicated series that otherwise might be missed.
Note: these playlists are somewhat editorialised and don’t stick strictly to when the videos were published. For example, the last Gfred race of 2018 will be in the 2018 playlist despite the video actually being released at the start of 2019.
Track Links
Only published in GTA through a bug, Gfred in its current form wouldn’t be able to be made today (although there are always workarounds). Track links to play Gfred yourself, including ways to find many of the variations such as AnyCarfred can be found by clicking the button below.
Gfred Rules
When it was originally created Gfred pretty much only had one rule - don’t kill anyone else in the race. Over the years more rules have been added, with the first banning the use of motorcycles and more recent rules aiming to curb the use of glitches.
There are three main rulesets: Any%, Open and Traditional.
Traditional rules aim to preserve the original intent of the race and level the playing field, to have participants rely on their driving skills more than anything else.
Open rules have the intention of allowing freedom and the ability to think creatively to complete the course quickest, utilising glitches and other obscure techniques.
Any% rules preserve the skill aspect of traditional but allow any vehicle to be used, and ultimately provide the absolute quickest way to get the race completed.
All live stream Gfred races and stream records, unless mentioned otherwise, will be ran under the Traditional ruleset. Solo world records are recorded for Gfred across all platforms, as well as derfG and rain/snow Gfreds (all under the Traditional ruleset). Solo records are also recorded for Open and Any% rulesets, and for all PC records the game must be locked to 60fps. Current records can be found on the Historical Stats spreadsheet linked at the bottom of this page.
Traditional Ruleset
Must exclusively cycle, then swim, then run to the freeway.
No weapon usage at all (including selection wheel).
Must drive unaided using only throttle, brake and steering.
No killing/hitting/impeding anyone else.
If you accidentally kill someone you must wait for them.
Must complete the course without help from any other player.
Must get first car on the freeway.
Traffic spawned cars & starting bicycle only (no bikes/quads/planes, etc).
Bike gliding with the cycle is not allowed.
Glitches are not allowed unless otherwise stated.
[Stream Snowfreds only] Infernus & 9F are banned.
[After freeway death] You may use your cycle from the lighthouse.
Open Ruleset
No killing/hitting/impeding anyone else.
If you accidentally kill someone you must wait for them.
Must complete the course without help from any other player.
Must get first car on the freeway.
Traffic spawned cars & starting bicycle only (no bikes/quads/planes, etc).
Any% Ruleset
No weapon usage at all (including selection wheel).
Must drive unaided using only throttle, brake and steering.
No killing/hitting/impeding anyone else.
If you accidentally kill someone you must wait for them.
Must complete the course without help from any other player.
Glitches are not allowed unless otherwise stated.
Further Info
This section contains any extra relevant info related to Gfred.
Gfred Merch
With two Gfred related designs available across a wide variety of items, click the button below to be taken to my merch store and get the classic Gfred logo or artistic final parachute jump on T-Shirts, mugs, hoodies, stickers, and a whole lot more.
Gfred Bingo
You achieve "Bingo" when you get a full line of cards filled, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. For some this is a tradition that must be done when watching every race. Generate a new bingo card for every race by clicking the button below.
Gfred Drinking Game
Have a drink of your choice.
Take a sip/shot when Broughy chokes.
If Broughy dies and is forced to respawn, down your drink.
If Broughy finishes the race without blowing up, take a double-down to celebrate.
If Broughy is the first one to blow up, drink all the alcohol you can find.
Enjoy! (created by Askorbiini - alcohol not required, be responsible, have fun).
Historical Records
If you want to see all Gfred races that we’ve done on streams or in videos in a format that gives more information at a glance, look no further than the historical stats spreadsheet linked below. It also lists the current solo world record times and stream record times.
Gfred Celebrations
A special weekend of streams to celebrate uploading 100 Gfreds to the second channel, playing all Gfreds back to back. Full details and footage can be found on the link below.
YouTube Sections
Overview | GTA 5 | Car Testing | Gfred | MCEC | GTA FiveM | Real Life Racing | Racing Games | Gears Of War | Other Games | Special Videos | Other Videos | Second Channel | Let’s Plays | GTA 6