
In April 2017, after much badgering from Nos, I started the Choking Hazard podcast. Now it runs as a monthly gathering of old community members Sugar_Free_Nos, RDT33 and MBHammer, alongside GTA speedrunner Joshimuz who joined in 2020. We record each episode live on Twitch, with the recording being published to my main YouTube channel and other audio services.

Places To Watch

In addition to watching live on Twitch on the fourth Saturday of each month at 5pm UK time, each episode can be watched in full in video form on my main YouTube channel. We also have a separate channel just for the podcast which contains highlights from episodes, pre-show footage, and full replays of any game nights.

Places To Listen

You can also listen to the podcast in a number of places rather than only watch via YouTube.

Latest Episode

Below you can listen to or watch the latest episode of the podcast.

Game Nights

Below you can see an example of the kind of fun we have on our game nights. While these don’t happen regularly, we’re always willing to get together for the right games. Full streams as well as highlights are posted to the podcast’s YouTube channel.

Channel Playlists

On the podcast channel there are a number of playlists, including a full back catalog of game nights as well as highlights and pre-shows. The main playlist for podcast episodes is on my main channel, and they’re all linked below for convenience.