Support Me

There are many free, semi-free, and paid ways to support not only me but any of your favourite content creators. I listed them all in an article I wrote which you can find here. This page will list the main ways you can support me, my channels and my content if you want to take that extra step. None of this is ever required though - I appreciate you simply watching <3

Patreon Support

Patreon is a service which allows me to offer a variety of perks for those who want to give a monthly contribution. These rewards vary and exist for any donation level, from $1 to $100. Some rewards include getting GTA car testing results early, being able to watch videos before others, gaining access to monthly blog posts early, and extra Discord features. Feel free to check out the site for the full list of rewards.

Twitch Subscription

Subscriptions on Twitch are another monthly service which offers things specific to the live streamer being subscribed to. These include badges next to a person's name in chat, a variety of emotes to use across Twitch, and messages on screen when subscribing if done when the streamer is live. Amazon Prime accounts can also be linked to Twitch to give users a Twitch sub every month at no extra cost.

YouTube Membership

Memberships on YouTube offer a similar experience to that of Patreon & Twitch, and could be the best option for those who primarily watch my content on YouTube and want a taste of both types of benefits without using a different site. My memberships incorporate the same monthly subscription price and badges & emotes from Twitch with the ability to receive perks/rewards each month like from Patreon.


Primarily used on live streams, these one-off donations have the ability to display messages on screen when I'm streaming. They can also be used as a simple way to contribute off-stream if you want to support at any time.


Support doesn’t have to be monetary. If you enjoy one of my videos leave a like or comment. Follow and turn on notifications for streams & videos. Leave videos and ads to play all the way through. Follow and interact on social media. Little things like that can make a big difference to the success of videos and channel as a whole.


Sponsors help me in a variety of ways, whether it's sending me useful products or supporting me financially. Showing support for any of my sponsors will let them know that I was worth their time and hopefully lead to more from them.

I receive a small commission on any items bought on Amazon if you go there via the links on my office setup page.

Anything you purchase on my store also helps support me.

Use my referral link if signing up to iRacing.

If you’d like to send anything my way the details of my PO Box can be found here.

Massive thank you to everyone who supports me in any way! There’s a regularly updated list here.