Planning For A Holiday
Hello everyone and welcome to August's monthly update post. At the end of this month I'll be heading off to San Diego for the third time for a holiday that Zearxy and I are treating as our official honeymoon (since we haven't had one properly since we got married over 2.5 years ago). That means I need to get planning!
One thing I'm thankful for from a GTA Online perspective is that the drip-feed is already done! They've really sped through an already quite small collection of cars this time which is something I'm totally fine with since I don't need to worry about missing the testing on them while I'm away. As always though when I'm not working I'm not earning, so I need to at least do some planning for videos around the time I'm gone. The first few streams of this off-season month will be with that in mind, doing a few things that will cover videos for the beginning of August and hopefully give me a bit of a buffer for when I come back. I used to try to get a lot of videos done in advance so there was always something being uploaded while I'm away, but these days I prefer to not upload anything at all and not have the temptation to keep looking at YouTube. It's really hard for me to completely switch off when I go away, or in general really, so not having any videos go live is a way to help me do that.
Having said that, I am planning on my recent GTA 4 playthrough going up on the second channel during my time away. There's very little need for me to oversee that once all the videos are scheduled, and since there are 14 parts it will fit perfectly into the two week break that the main channel will experience. Then it will be a case of building things back up in September and hit the ground running for my final season of content, likely starting with the annual stream week! While YouTube says they don't punish inactivity and creators are fine taking holidays, I've always noticed a little drop in view numbers whenever I come back from a break if I haven't uploaded during it, so it will be a case of building back up for what will hopefully be an enjoyable final few months of 2024. Ideally with some GTA 6 news!
I hope you all have a good summer and nice vacations if you're having any, and as always thank you so much for your continued direct support wherever it may be. It really helps when it comes to my stability if other things fluctuate (which they do)! See you all next month! Though the post will be a little later than normal since I actually get back in the first week of September.
Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.