Newsletter: The First Ever Broughy1322 Newsletter!

Hello to all of your wonderful people who chose to sign up to my email list. Thank you for wanting to ensure you keep up to date with all my content - I really appreciate your continued support.

These emails will start off quite basic I suspect but I hope to improve them as time goes on and provide a much richer overall experience when it comes to showing you my content. Since emails will be sent every two weeks, covering the previous two weeks of content, I'll just focus on what I've been doing this past fortnight for this first email.

GTA Fact-Finding Returns
On Monday 5th I published the fourth episode in the GTA Fact-Finding series and it was met with a lot of positivity from those who watched me expose vehicle stats for what they are - complete lies. This was followed up last Monday with the fifth episode detailing how top speed works in the game which again received a good response. Both of these videos achieved more views than most of my others usually get and that very much surprised me given the rather in depth approach. However it's something I'll be looking to continue with that series.
The Truth About Vehicle Stats - GTA Fact-Finding #4
Top Speed Exposed! - GTA Fact-Finding #5 

More Class-Specific Countdowns
The Best Fully Upgraded Cars series also continued with Sedans and SUVs, two of the three largest classes in the game, getting the countdown treatment. We also found out a surprising thing about one of the SUVs that even I didn't know about until a week ago.
Fastest Sedans - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online
Fastest SUVs - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online 

Extra Stuff
There was also a video covering the next gen remake of my very first race creation, in addition to a GTA discussion video about whether top speed actually matters that much in game.
Drag Kings Of Los Santos - GTA Content Creator Race 
Does Top Speed Really Matter? - GTA Discussion #8

Finally, we had some pretty amazing streams recently. If you don't already know I've been streaming regularly for a few weeks now (every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) and we really have had some of the best streams for me personally, especially on Saturday 17th when we found out the Prairie was categorically the best car in the entire game :)

Again thanks a lot for subscribing to my mailing list. If you've decided this is not your thing you're welcome to unsubcribe, and feel free to let me know what you'd like to see in these emails - I'm always looking to improve.

See you all in two weeks!


From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: Busy, Late and Disappointing