Newsletter: Changing Things Up

Late again but it's better to be late than have nothing at all I think :) 91 of you now receive these emails keeping you up to date on my videos and what I'm doing with regards to them so thank you for that! I'll get straight into it!

Secret Car Colour Finally Revealed!
It had to be done eventually.
Broughy Orange Revealed! - GTA Car Colour Guide 

Car Testing Takes A New Turn!
After the heists update I decided to go back and repackage the car testing videos into different custom classes. In the past I've always stuck to the car classes that can be raced but I want to move on from that and look at some other interesting categorisations. Lots more to come, but number of seats was the start!
Fastest 6 Seater Vehicles - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online
Fastest 4 Seater Vehicles - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online
Fastest 2 Seater Vehicles - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online
Fastest 1 Seater Vehicles - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online

More MCEC Madness
It seems like these videos get better and better with each one. I think Round Four is possibly the best video I've ever made on youtube and if you haven't watched it already I highly recommend it. Round Five gets back to a more reasonable length of about 45 minutes after round four passed the hour mark!
Round Four (Sedans) - GTA Multi-Class Endurance Championship Season Two
Round Five (Off-Road) - GTA Multi-Class Endurance Championship Season Two

Crew Changes
I finally got around to making a video about the two North loop variations at the beginning of this fortnight and I also explained the changes we've made recently to the crew with splitting it up into console specific variations. This seems to have worked really well and it was definitely a good decision.
The North Loop Variations - GTA Content Creator Races
Crew Changes & Stream Details - GTA Discussion #20

More Live Shenanigans
The Broughy Island saga comes to an end and I finally get some revenge on the trolls.
Boat Adventures - GTA Live #12
Other Options - GTA Live #13
Can't Touch Me - GTA Live #14
Revenge! - GTA Live #15

Lots of videos in this one from a small number of series as I've been focusing on just "getting things done" that I've had planned for a while. Those MCEC videos really do take a long time to make I'll actually be glad when the season is over in that respect. I am enjoying them though so it's not too bad :) Hopefully there wasn't anything you missed and thanks again for keeping up to date with me via these emails. The next one won't be too far off given I was a couple of days late with this one!

As always feel free to reply to let me know anything you'd like to see with this. Cheers!



From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: Criminal Mastermind


Newsletter: Too Many Videos, Not Enough Time!