Keep Calm And Continue Testing

So I have a design on my merch store with the Cutting Coroners GP track outline and the text "Keep Calm And Continue Testing”. And it's a mantra I'm following regularly at the moment! Now that the testing bottleneck that was the Off-Road vehicles video is finished, the floodgates have opened to get on with the job of testing everything else. And if I want to have all the main car classes done before 2024 is over, I'm going to have to test, test, and test some more.

One aspect that's helping is the fact that there isn't much else going on. The Off-Road video was so difficult to get done because there were so many vehicles and a lot of non-raceable stuff that I had to figure out how to test, but also because it coincided with other things. I couldn't get testing for it done in advance due to the summer DLC, I then went on a holiday and had to catch up to other things when I came back. It was the perfect storm of big class and difficult circumstances. Now that I'm testing the more obscure classes, the only real sizable one is Emergency at 27 cars, and even that's less than half of what's in Off-Road. The rest are between 10 and 20 which is much more manageable. In addition, there aren't any DLC cars to test until December and I'm well set in my normal stream schedule that I'm able to devote more time to testing.

It's still a time consuming and arduous process though. I'm about a third of the way through the remaining 100 or so vehicles for both lap time and top speed. Emergency will be another bottleneck but until then I'm hoping to get Utility, Commercial, Industrial, and Service videos out back to back. Emergency and Military will finish off the new testing series, probably in December, and I'm looking forward to seeing the playlist have every single class in order with (2024) after each title. Wish me luck! I'll update you all next month before what will no doubt be another busy December. Thanks for all the support as always!


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One More To Go


A Week To Remember