The Ebbs & Flows
I feel as if this is synonymous with life in general, but making YouTube videos comes in ebbs and flows. At certain points I'll have nothing ready and I'll be editing and uploading a video a few days before it goes live, and other times I'll have a weeks worth of content all uploaded and ready to go as I work on other things.
Such is the nature of creating content. I can't guarantee when something amazing will happen on a live stream that I need to edit into a video, or something will happen that requires me to make a video about. Similarly I can't guarantee when I'll be able to get to some videos when other stuff gets in the way. I'm in a constant battle of prioritising what to make. It's a better shape to be in than not knowing what to make at all, but things can often pile up.
The MCEC coverage is one of those things that has piled up for longer than anything else. Apart from maybe the Rap Battle, I've not had a longer time between needing to make a video and actually getting it uploaded than the Season 4 Round 3 highlights. As I kept having to do more and more car testing each week and the rounds I had to make videos on kept increasing as the championship went on, the daunting task of covering everything essentially put me off doing anything at all, and it always ended up at the bottom of my list when I needed to work out what was more important to make first.
Thankfully though I've gotten past that and the ball is finally rolling on these edits. Those who are long time readers of this Patreon feed will know I've been in a battle to catch up on videos for a long time (ever since the rap battle and including the 13h22m stream highlights for example) and these MCEC videos are the final piece of that. Once they're done I'll be completely free of videos that are sitting around waiting to be made. I'm looking forward to that moment. I've already got videos uploaded for the next two weeks (which you'll be able to see if you check some of my playlists and see any "private videos" ;) ) so I'm hopeful I'll be able to bash out the rest of these edits and finally get the coverage of Season 4 of the MCEC done. This time next month maybe I'll be writing about how I'm finally free of backlogged videos since the Rap Battle.
Wish me luck! <3
Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.