Newsletter: The Stress Is Real

Hello once more to all you super guys (and girls?) who choose to receive emails from me every two weeks with updates on what I've been doing and videos I've been making (there are now 83 of you)! As I'll explain, this has been a stressful period for a number of reasons and I'm hoping to get back on track soon, but often I find myself having too many little projects all going on at once. If only we didn't have to sleep....

Multi-Class Endurance Championship Season Two
Probably the most important thing to happen over the last two weeks has been the start of the second season of the Multi-Class Endurance Championship. There was a video announcing it, showing the first round, and then cursing Rockstar for the events of the second round. The first round at least was a huge success though and produced one of the best videos to ever be on my channel. Running the competition is stressful, especially when streaming to 300+ people on twitch, but it's so rewarding too.
Multi-Class Racing Returns - GTA Discussion #11
Round One (Muscle) - GTA Multi-Class Endurance Championship Season Two
Rockstar! I'm So Frustrated! - GTA Discussion #13

The GTA Racing Community Gets It Done
Myself and Shaggy did a dual commentary video recently discussion what we wanted to see in a Racing DLC for GTA Online. In addition to that I also posted up a post on Rockstar's support website explaining what this DLC would be like, and we both asked everyone to rally behind that and up-vote it. After just over a week it became the 4th most voted support post in history, an incredible feat considering most posts on the "top voted" page of their website are well over a year old. Great job everyone! If you haven't up-voted it yet you can see it here.
The Racing Update w/GUN1T123 Dual Commentary - GTA Discussion #10
Thank You! - GTA Discussion #12

Less Videos, Higher Quality
Apart from one more GTA Live video (much more of that series to come) that has been pretty much it for videos over the past two weeks. With the MCEC first round video especially I've focused more on quality over quantity recently whilst still keeping to my one-video-every-three-days rule. Now I just have to get on with the Real Life Racing videos. And Fact Finding. And Live Racing. And more Best Fully Upgraded Cars videos. And all the other things that need to be done. Yes. A stressful period indeed :)
Getting Rid Of The Panto - GTA Live #5 

Thanks to you all again for wanting to stay updated this way. Remember if you have any feedback you're welcome to reply, and if this isn't your thing feel free to unsubscribe from this list. See you all in another two weeks!



From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: Picking Up The Pace


Newsletter: Busy, Late and Disappointing