Newsletter: Picking Up The Pace
85 of you now receive these emails explaining what I've been doing the past two weeks, and I do appreciate that you go that extra step to make sure you never miss one of my videos. Over the previous fortnight I've been coming up with a regular schedule for videos that I'll be sticking too probably until Project Cars arrives. In this email I'll try to outline that whilst showing what I've been getting up to in terms of video making.
High Level Racing Returns
After the issues with the MCEC last week it was good to get the ball rolling again for Round 2, and the video turned out to be another great one! The Real Life Racing 2015 series also got underway, and these two series will both have videos uploaded every Friday (RL Racing being uploaded when there is a break in the MCEC championship). These are two of the best videos I think I've ever made so far.
Round Two (Compacts) - GTA Multi-Class Endurance Championship Season Two
Karting On Snow! - Real Life Racing 2015 ~ #1
More Circuit Designs
With my four main circuits on new gen all complete it's time to revisit the various different configurations of tracks. Videos on these will all be uploaded on Tuesdays (barring this week) until I've covered all the configurations of my new circuits. I also put up a discussion video about my circuit design philosophy.
Circuit Design Philosophy - GTA Discussion #14
Los Santos GP Variations #1 - GTA Content Creator Races
More Live Shenanigans
I've started uploading GTA Live videos every Wednesday and Saturday. These are stream highlights that I just couldn't go without showing everyone who didn't catch them the first time. The next one in line for this week is the famous adventures on Broughy Island, but these are the videos we've had so far:
The Jump - GTA Live #6
Perfect Storm - GTA Live #7
Exploring New Places - GTA Live #8
The Prologue - GTA Live #9
Live Racing Returns
The Live Racing series also returned last week, and I'm going to try and upload these every Thursday. In the most recent video I ask for your opinions on what I should do with this series and explain where it has been for all this time.
The Return - GTA Live Racing #9
So videos are increasing with one video every day for the near future (except Sundays). Hopefully there's plenty to keep you guys entertained and be sure to let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks again for choosing to receive these emails :)
From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.