My Last Before Fatherhood

I had my last haircut before becoming a dad yesterday. In December I had my last birthday before becoming a dad. This is my last monthly update post before becoming a dad.

As things get closer, I'm finding myself noticing these aspects of life that I'll be doing for the last time before everything changes. I can't wait to see what the future brings, and I think I'm using these "last" moments as a way to mentally realise that this is actually happening and it's getting close.

From a work perspective, over the last month or so I've very much been in a "must get things done" mindset. Making decisions on content ideas I've had for a while, to either get them done or scrap them (not just because of baby, but also because their relevance/need is lessened the closer we get to GTA 6). In addition I'm trying to prepare things in advance. The 13h22m stream of back to back randoms was done in no small part to help me have videos for YouTube while I'll inevitably focusing on other things when Baby1322 arrives.

My main issue is that when I don't work I don't get paid. There isn't someone else who can do my job for me if I take two weeks of paternity leave like what might be the case if I had a "proper" job. So I need to plan in advance and try to make the impact of any down time be minimal. So that's where I've been at - essentially gearing up for what is going to be a massive life change while at the same time trying to minimise the effect of that change in advance (so I can support and feed the cause of the change :D)

Spending the last month doing that has helped me feel a lot less stressed than I did a month ago. There's still a few things I want to do but really focusing down and getting rid of some "idea baggage" has freed my mind a bit to prepare. I'm not ever going to be fully prepared I think, but at least I'm getting closer.

The next time I write one of these monthly posts I'll be a dad. It's crazy to think that's going to be the case. I'll let you know how it's all going next month (forgive me if it's a little later than usual).

Thank you all so much for the continued support wherever that may be, and thank you for staying up to date with me on my little blog <3


Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.


I’m A Dad!


And Breathe