Past Jealousy
Hello all! Welcome to July's monthly update post. In last month's post I was envious of my future self. Mainly because I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me with a new GTA DLC on the horizon, and future me would be all done with that. Well now I'm jealous of past me.
Had I known what absolute dross of a DLC we'd be given, I'd have not been so quick to wish I was on the other side of it. I've talked at length in many videos now about how bad it was so I won't go over it again here, however what I will say is that it has helped destroy my enjoyment of GTA, games, and content creation.
Now I'm not saying I'm suddenly going to walk away just because this one update removed a bunch of cars. But over the past few months I've gradually lost a bit of love for what I've been doing. I can't tell whether it's a me thing or just a consequence of the games I've been playing/things I've been doing, but I've definitely noticed my overall motivation has been lowering over time. I normally enjoy playthoughs on Wednesdays or iRacing on Saturdays alongside all the GTA stuff, but relatively often recently I've found myself not having a good time or not wanting to start a stream in the first place because I'm not looking forward to what I have planned. And the Mercenaries update last month only exacerbated those feelings. The only major bright spot has been revisiting GTA 3.
I do think it's fixable though. At the start of this week I worked out some plans for the coming months and beyond that I think will help. I've collected a decently long list of games I want to give a try this month as I dial down some of the racing stuff for a little bit, and some stuff I'd like to do away from GTA in the off-season in August. All with the aim of coming back fresh for Season 3 of my content in September, with new ideas and a new plan to ramp up the racing again alongside working in some of the more enjoyable things I found during the off-season.
As always I'll keep you all updated as I go, both on streams and in these monthly posts. But I'm certainly more hopeful after brainstorming some ideas than I was last weekend for those who were here for the streams (Saturday especially). As always thank you all for the continued support. I'll get it figured out!
Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.