Newsletter: The Final Stretch

We're into the final stretch of my "one video every day" marathon golden period thing that I set out to do at the start of the criminal mastermind series and it's great to be able to say it has gone very well. The videos in this email are also from my two week break so there is more focus on live gameplay, but that break has been helpful in refreshing my mind and allowing me to get a few other things sorted out - most notably vinyl decals of my best circuits! Remember there's also my second channel for all that extra Broughy goodness :)

Fastest Vehicles Series Is Complete!
The Best Fully Upgraded Cars series came to a conclusion with two videos I'd been hoping to make for a while, testing the helicopters and planes. Alongisde all of the non-raceable vehicles that I've done during this period I've now tested 264 vehicles in total. A pretty amazing run for this series and of course we can always revisit it with some spinoffs in the future (not to mention when updates come out)!
Fastest Helicopters - Best Fully Upgraded Air Vehicles In GTA Online
Fastest Planes - Best Fully Upgraded Air Vehicles In GTA Online

GTA Live Continues
I had a lot of GTA Live videos all ready to go during this "one video per day" plan and that continues as we catch up with some live stream highlights from the past.
FWD Problems - GTA Live #30
Racing Rockstar - GTA Live #31

Still There With Serious Stuff
Despite having more of a focus on live gameplay during this break there have still been some regular videos too, namely in the Fact Finding and Real Life Racing series'. The latest fact finding video in particular caused a bit of a stir in the comments section which I definitely was always going to be avoiding :)
Load Times Comparison (PC, PS4, XB1, PS3, 360) - GTA Fact-Finding #10
New Perspectives - Real Life Racing 2015 ~ #7

Criminal Mastermind - The Final Heist
There are just two more videos left to go in this series - the actual finale and then a reflection video which will be a standard commentary of my thoughts, but if you want to get caught up on the action from the Pacific Standard Job so far those videos are below.
Pacific Standard Set-Ups (Vans & Signal) - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #15
Pacific Standard Set-Ups (Hack & Convoy) - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #16
Pacific Standard Set-Ups (Bikes & Plans) - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #17
Pacific Standard Set-Ups (Finale Dry Run) - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #18

Rocket League Returns
My two week break has given me a chance to post some more Rocket League stuff and it really is a fun game when you get into it, especially when you start playing with friends and a team in general!
NinjaDad The Teacher - Rocket League Live #3
It's All Coming Together - Rocket League Live #4
2v2 With Tony - Rocket League Live #5
The Steal - Rocket League Live #6

Thanks again for all your support guys it really does mean a lot! If there's anything you'd like to see from these emails just reply and let me know! Otherwise I'll see you in two weeks for another roundup of updates :)



From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: At A Crossroads


Newsletter: Time To Take A Break