Newsletter: At A Crossroads

So as I finish up the "One video per day for 10 weeks" period on my channel I find myself at a bit of a crossroads with what to do next. I may make a video discussing that in more detail soon but I will continue to be making videos in the mean time. I'm thinking more long term. However that's for another day, this email is to round up what I've been doing over the past two weeks! Get into it below :)

Amazing Support
After a two week break from the fully upgraded cars series I couldn't help but return to it once again to do an updated round-up of the current best 25 cars overall in GTA. And as ever it got more views in the first few days than most of my other videos :) In addition to that though I also experienced an amazing event during one of my streams with two huge donations. The live reaction video of that went up on my channel as is linked below. I really can't thank you all enough for the support, it's fantastic.
Top 25 Fastest Cars - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online
Two $1000 Donations In 20 Mins - Live Reaction + Twitch Chat!

Criminal Mastermind Series Is Complete!
After 2 and a half months of two videos per week this past fortnight saw the end of the Criminal Mastermind series as we successfully completed the Pacific Standard Finale and got ourselves a cool $10 million. In addition I also did a regular commentary to finish of the season and talk a little more about my thoughts and how it went overall. It's also a nice wrap up to the "one video per day" period of my channel.
Pacific Standard Finale! - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #19
Reflection - Criminal Mastermind - GTA Heists Live #20

More Live Action
A few more live stream style videos this time from a number of series including the GTA Live Racing, GTA Live, and Rocket League series. The Supercar Showdown in particular was a great one!
Supercar Showdown! - GTA Live Racing #16
More Rockstar Live Stream Fun - GTA Live #32
Super Squalo - GTA Live #33
Teamwork - Rocket League Live #7

Some Extras
As I mentioned I'm at a bit of a crossroads with the direction my channel is going but that didn't stop me uploading a Gears of War video as soon as I had my hands on Ultimate Edition. My god I love this game. I also made a video talking about why I'm not playing Project CARS as much as might be expected in addition to introducing smaller variations to the R.O.N. Raceway track. All below!
It's Here! - Gears Of War Ultimate Edition
Why I'm Not Playing pCARS - Project CARS Discussion #7
R.O.N. Raceway Variations - GTA Content Creator Races

Thanks again for all your support guys it really does mean a lot! If there's anything you'd like to see from these emails just reply and let me know! Or if you have any opinions on my channel in general do the same! Otherwise I'll see you in two weeks for another roundup of updates :)



From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: Big Plans


Newsletter: The Final Stretch