Newsletter: Big Plans
In terms of sheer video numbers it's been quite a while since I've sent out a newsletter with so few linked, especially given my "one video per day" period which recently ended. The channel has also slowed down on the growth side of things but fear not! I have quite a few big plans for the next few months which you'll no doubt be hearing about in a video soon, so keep your eyes peeled! For now though I'll do the usual and go over what I've been doing for the past two weeks.
Fact Finding Back With Passengers!
The highlight of the videos since the previous newsletter is probably the latest fact finding video where I test how passengers affect a cars performance and find out one and for all if having people in your car makes you go slower!
Are Cars Slower With Passengers? - GTA Fact-Finding #11
Broughy Verified Returns!
It's an ambitious project but the Broughy Verified series is finally returning to hopefully showcase the best community created racing circuits. The competition will be fierce and I expect this will take a lot of time (especially recreating on other platforms) but by the end of it I really do hope we have a collection of the overall best racing circuits in the GTA community! More info in the video. Speaking of GTA racing circuits, I also made a video explaining more about the track decals that you can now buy.
Broughy Verified Returns! - GTA Discussion #30
Track Decals! - GTA Content Creator Races
GTA Live Antics
Some more live racing this week with myself and smithyonetwelve teaming up like we did in the first episode of the Real Life Racing series to do a very different style of endurance event. In addition the regular Live series continues with the usual shenanigans you've come to expect.
Team Endurance Race - GTA Live Racing #17
Periscope Fun - GTA Live #34
The Broughy Bus - GTA Live #35
Other Games
Gears Of War has really taken me in like it used to do and I'm loving playing every minute of it. And to that end the GoW Ultimate Edition Live series has begun to bring you guys the best action from when I play and try to show you guys why I love the game so much. In addition I also posted another Project CARS video about recent updates and I hope I can continue to focus on these extra games in addition to GTA in the future.
So It Begins - GoW Ultimate Edition Live #1
This Is More Like It - Project CARS Discussion #8
Thanks again for all your support guys it really does mean a lot! I'm not sure how many of you end up reading these but I appreciate it nontheless! See you all soon :)
From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.