Newsletter: Miscalculations

I felt like it had been a while since I'd written one of these, and it turns out I made an error. I should have had one sent last week to stick to my "one every two weeks" plan. Looks like I messed that one up. Oh well, all the more videos to cram into this newsletter! Plenty of stuff to catch up on before we see some exciting things happening over the next two weeks.

Best Fully Upgraded Cars series is finally complete!
When I finished all the extra classes during the best fully upgraded cars series of videos I thought I was done, but a glitch (which has now been patched - thank god I got all the testing done beforehand!) has allowed me to test all those vehicles I never thought I'd get a chance to. Some very rare and very special vehicles in this one, and it was a privilege to give them a go around the track!
Fastest Rare Vehicles - Best Fully Upgraded Cars In GTA Online

There is always more testing though...
Despite finally getting those rare vehicles done, I'm not finished with testing just yet. As I explained in the discussion video below, I'll also be bringing some top speed testing to the channel. Starting off small with just the supercars we'll see how things go as to whether I do any more. In preparation for that, I also released a Fact Finding video to find out once and for all whether spoilers increased drag and reduced top speed.
Do Spoilers Affect Top Speed? - GTA Fact-Finding #12
New Car Testing Coming Soon! - GTA Discussion #33

Loving the discussions
Over the past few weeks I've been doing a lot more GTA Discussion videos after a period of not really focusing on them and it has been nice to get back in touch with that side of things. It's always nice to ramble about topics and get opinions from you guys at the same time!
Old Gen Left Behind & Free Mode Update Thoughts - GTA Discussion #31
Cross-Platform Jobs - GTA Discussion #32
Top 5 Favourite Vehicles - GTA Discussion #34
Let's Talk About Shark Cards - GTA Discussion #35

Gears Of War
I can't help but love this game and despite it not getting the same number of views as GTA on my channel I think some of the videos I'm making are my best work! Specifically episode 3 of the live series which includes music (so does episode 4 - hint hint). If you are interested in seeing something a bit different they're here.
Starting Weapons - Gears For Dummies #1
2v2 Shotguns Only - GoW Ultimate Edition Live #2
Put That On YouTube You Twat - GoW Ultimate Edition Live #3

More GTA Live action keeps the show on the road
Live stream footage has become somewhat of a staple now and it gets more views than it ever used to as I try to be more selective with the things I bring to the channel. You may have to wait a while before a certain live stream moment crops up but it's always worth the wait (hopefully at least)! There was a great showing of community spirit in the last GTA Live Racing video and my latest regular GTA Live series video produced rage inducing moments that have proved quite popular.
How To Deal With A Troll - GTA Live Racing #18
Hide From The Hacker! - GTA Live #36
Military Meetup - GTA Live #37
Windmill Race Rage - GTA Live #38

Finally, some sadness to end...
The final video to link from these past three weeks is a bit of a sad one as it depicts what could be the final nail in the coffin for the Real Life Racing series as we know it. The title says it all really.
The Beginning Of The End? - Real Life Racing 2015 ~ #8

Thanks again for all your support guys it really does mean a lot! I really appreciate those of you who sign up to this email list and continue to read these updates. Look forward to some top speed testing and other interesting additions to the channel soon!



From January to October 2015 I sent a newsletter every two weeks which linked all the videos I’d published during that time, helping those who signed up to not miss anything. It spawned from a CGP Grey idea/blog post and led to me creating one of the worst clickbait videos I’ve ever made. The short-lived newsletter did have some limited success with over 100 sign-ups, but eventually proved too much effort for the small benefits as social media and other ways to connect with viewers grew significantly faster. All of the newsletters I sent have been brought over here for archival purposes, as they formed a baseline for what would become the monthly Patreon blogs that started in September 2016 with “The Big Patreon Update”.


Newsletter: Milestones


Newsletter: Big Plans