Long Month

It feels so long ago that I last wrote one of these Patreon/YT Member monthly update posts. September was a long month. I started it out in a low point about what I was doing on YouTube, then managed to work through that and decided to host the event week of streams, then finished Red Dead Redemption and continued to pick up the usual uploads and streams.

The stream week was interesting. I knew I wanted to do it at some point in September since Twitch normally does their promotional "Subtember" during that time, and if you're going to do a "push to x subscribers" it might as well be when Twitch are helping too. But I decided on it pretty quickly. In fact on the Saturday before the week of streams I was thinking about it, then decided upon it later that day and organised it on the Sunday. From that already hectic Saturday and very busy Sunday sorting out schedules and giveaways, to a full week or streams every day ended up being quite tiring!

It ended up being 12 streams over 9 consecutive days, and just like the stream week from this time last year it was a lot of fun! It gave me a taste of full time streaming and I like it, even if I could never do it. Thank you all for the support during that time - it's amazing that we managed to hit the goal of 1000 Twitch subs (and then the 3 stretch goals of 1111, 1234, and 1322). The support I receive on so many fronts continually surprises me and I'm forever grateful for it.

Hopefully October will be a little more chilled out though!


Since September 2016 I’ve been posting updates exclusively for supporters to patreon.com/broughy1322, and later also for YouTube members via the community tab. Those posts have been brought over here for archival purposes, and going forward new updates will be released here two weeks after they’re first released for Patreon supporters and YouTube members. Feel free to subscribe on those platforms with the links above to get these posts as soon as they go live.


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